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Football player Henri Fickinger

Henri Fickinger
Born on 25 July 1930
Died on 3 April 1999 (aged 68)

National team appearances of Henri Fickinger

TeamPeriodCapsCapt.Sub. inSub. offGoalsPen.Goals/ Caps

Player stats by club

Clubs of footballerPeriodCapsCapt.Sub. inSub. offGoalsPen.Goals/ Caps
Player stats by competition
Goals/ Caps
Career highlights
Match dateOpponent teamEventAge
9 Oct 1949
debut19 years 2 months 14 days
16 Jan 1955
last appearance24 years 5 months 22 days
Record of national team matches played by Henri Fickinger
National teamPlayedWonDrawnLostGoals ForGoals AgainstWinning Percentage

Henri Fickinger's international caps