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This day in European football history - October 6

Born on this dayDied on this dayClubs foundedVenues opened
What happened on October 6
International football referee Hubert Istace from Belgium was born on this day. He refereed matches of European national football teams (5 games in total).
Birthday of the France football referee Roger Conrié, who was an official at 5 international games of European association football teams. The referee died on December 13, 1966.
International footballer Eugen Einmann was born 118 years ago. He played 65 matches for Estonia national team and scored 5 goals. Died on September 12, 1963, aged 57 years.
Tommy Lawton, former England national football team player (23 caps and 22 goals), born this day. Date of his death: November 6, 1996.
Belgium referee Robert Schaut was born 93 years ago. He is known to have officiated 8 international matches of European teams during the period from 1967 to 1975. Passed away on May 18, 2000.
Birthday of the international referee Jan Keizer from Netherlands, who refereed 22 football games of European national teams
81 years ago, the former Sweden football player Björn Nordqvist is born. He appeared for 115 matches in total for Sweden.
Birthday of Thomas Bickel, who played for Switzerland national team in period 1986-1995 (52 caps and 5 goals).
Former Germany footballer Jürgen Kohler is born today. He made his debut for national team in 1986 and earned 105 caps, scoring 2 goals.
International footballer Niall Quinn is born 57 years ago. He played 91 matches for Rep. of Ireland national team and scored 21 goals.
Kennet Andersson, Sweden national football team player (83 caps and 31 goals), born this day.
Iosif Petschovschi died at the age of 47. He appeared in 35 international football gamesand scored 11 goals for Hungary and Romania teams. Date of his birth: July 2, 1921.
54 years ago, the Turkey football player Ogün Temizkanoğlu is born. He appeared for 76 matches in total and scored 5 international goals for Turkey.
International football referee Peter Sippel from Germany is born on this day. He refereed matches of European national football teams (7 games in total).
Birthday of Martin Jørgensen, who played for Denmark national team in period 1998-2011 (102 caps and 12 goals).
Israel footballer Shimon Gershon is born today. He made his debut for national team in 1999 and earned 50 caps, scoring 4 goals.
International footballer Zurab Khizanishvili is born 42 years ago. He played 92 matches for Georgia national team and scored 1 goal.
Tarmo Kink, Estonia national football team player (82 caps and 6 goals), born this day.
Karl Zischek passed away at the age of 75. He played for Austria national team in period from 1931 to 1945 (40 caps and 24 goals). Born on August 28, 1910.
26 years ago, the Denmark football player Kasper Dolberg is born. He appeared for 40 matches in total and scored 11 international goals for Denmark.
International football venue G.S.P. [Sport Club Pancyprian] Stadium was inaugurated in Strovolos. Since opening, 73 games of European national football teams were played on the stadium.
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